Riccardo Ippolito – Criminal Defense Attorney
Riccardo Ippolito first started practicing Criminal Defense upon passing the California Bar Exam in 1993, over 25 years ago. During his career, Ippolito has handled every type of criminal case, from petty thefts to gang homicides.
Mr. Ippolito handles each of these cases with his same high level of care and attention to detail. Like all the partners at VIB Law, he recognizes that even a relatively “minor” criminal case can potentially have extremely serious consequences to a client’s career or professional reputation.
Mr. Ippolito was one of the founding partners of VIB Law in 1997. Ippolito is currently VIB Law’s business manager and has an accounting degree and a background in business.
Mr. Ippolito’s real world business experience allows him invaluable insight into white-collar defenses. Also, because of this business background, he knows how difficult is it for clients to move on with their lives after a criminal conviction.
Because of this, Mr. Ippolito handles most of VIB Law’s Record Clearances. In fact, his expertise in this are of the law extends to handling Governor’s Pardons, Certificates of Rehabilitation and all other types of criminal law “expungements.” He is often able to restore a client’s gun rights or provide other “post-conviction” relief to clients.
Mr. Ippolito’s is also considered a state-wide expert in defending clients who are accused of committing sex crimes.
To say that Ippolito “wrote the book” on how to defend persons falsely accused of these type of charges is no exaggeration. Ippolito’s “Strategies For Defending Sex Crimes” outlines the defenses he has used to obtain several high profile acquittals and dismissals in child molest and rape cases .
When he is not vigorously defending his clients, Mr. Ippolito enjoys managing his son’s baseball teams and running half-marathons. He also enjoys going to GIants games and follows the team religiously.
Mr. Ippolito represents clients throughout Northern California. He makes regular trips to San Mateo County, Santa Clara County, and Alameda County, just to name a few.
Criminal Defense
White-Collar Crimes
Violent Crime | Homicide
Phone: 408-920-9720 | 877-766-5245
Fax: 408-882-0699
Honors & Awards
San Jose Magazine Criminal Attorney Firm of the Year
Bar Admissions
Whittier Law School, Costa Mesa, California
Juris Doctor – 1993
San Jose State University, San Jose, California – 1990
Professional Associations and Memberships
Santa Clara County Bar Association
State Bar of California
California Attorneys for Criminal Justice
California Public Defenders Association
Better Business Bureau