In the course of their careers, the attorneys at VIB Law have litigated literally thousands of contested hearings and trials in every area of criminal defense. Our clients can feel confident knowing that their attorney can handle any type of criminal case – misdemeanor or felony, state or federal.
VIB Law is particularly recognized for its expertise in the following practice areas:
Sex Crime
The term “Sex Crime” can cover a variety of charges, including Rape, so called “Statutory Rape” and sex crimes involving minors.
VIB Law has a proven track record of success in defending Sex Crime charges. In fact, partner Riccardo Ippolito is recognized as a state wide expert in the defense of these difficult “high stakes” cases.
Domestic Violence
The California Penal Code makes it illegal to physically attack or otherwise threaten an “intimate partner” of the accused. That can include spouses, a boyfriend/girlfriend or a wide variety of domestic partnerships and relationships.
VIB Law’s level of experience in defending Domestic Violence charges is unparalleled.
Drug Crime
These charges can be anything from Possession or Possession for sale of narcotics to the emerging field of Marijuana Law.
The attorneys at VIB Law are well known their tenacity in fighting Drug Crime cases. VIB law also advocates for alternative sentencing such as electronic monitoring or residential drug treatment programs when appropriate.
Cannabis Law
Charges involving Cannabis are some of the most common cases in the criminal justice system.
VIB Law believes that early investigation of these cases is critical to a successful outcome for the client. This can include gathering witnesses, getting background checks on the complaining witnesses, or retaining experts to fight cannabis or marijuana charges.
Violent Crime & Homicide
Charges involving violence are some of the most serious cases in the criminal justice system. These can include “gang” assaults, robberies, criminal threats and even homicide or death penalty charges.
VIB Law believes that early investigation of these cases is critical to a successful outcome for the client. This can include gathering witnesses, getting background checks on the complaining witnesses, or retaining experts to fight violent crime charges.
California Law makes it illegal to drive when under the influence of drugs or alcohol or when a person’s blood alcohol is tested as being over the .08 “legal limit.”
The VIB Law attorneys use a variety of tactics to successfully defend against DUI charges. These include Motions to Dismiss, trial tactics, and the use of scientific evidence to attack the underlying chemical tests used in these cases.
Record Clearance
The law allows persons a variety of ways to clear one’s a person’s record so that it does not interfere with future job prospects. This can include expungements, record clearances, certificate of rehabilitation and governor’s pardons.
The attorneys at VIB Law are familiar with every type of “post-conviction” relief. They can work with you to clear your record and help you move on with your life.