How to Find, Contact, or Visit an Inmate in Santa Clara County
Has a friend or family member recently been arrested? Here’s all the information you need to help you locate a prisoner in San Jose and the Greater San Jose area and figure out how to visit, call, or message them.
Santa Clara County Courthouse Locations & Contact Information
Contact info for all major Santa Clara County courthouses, including the HOJ, South County Courthouse, Palo Alto Courthouse and Juvenile Justice Courthouse.
What to do if Stopped by Police
A list of things to keep in mind if you are stopped by the San Jose police.
How do I Post Bail for an Inmate in Santa Clara County?
What is bail and how does it work in Santa Clara County? “Bail” refers to the amount of money that a defendant must pay (or “post”) to the Department of Correction (DOC) in order to be released from jail. Bail is intended to assure the DOC, prosecutor and judge that the defendant will appear in…
How to find your court date in Santa Clara County
Learn how to find your next court date or the court date of a family member in Santa Clara County.